Saturday 9 February 2013

Tea with Me

If you were to tea with me today, I’d probably usher you quickly into the lounge room in the hope of bypassing the messy kitchen. You would probably take a glance in there but you wouldn’t say anything; that’s not what friends do and let’s face it; we’ve all been there before. I would rifle through the dishwasher to find us a mug because of course the dishwasher needs emptying yet again!

I would offer you tea or coffee. Earl grey is my tea of choice, has been for as long as I can remember. I would choose tea as I had probably already had a few coffees already. I would like to think that I had baked a cake that morning in anticipation of your arrival but sadly, I probably didn’t. I would quickly defrost some biscuits from the freezer that I made a couple of weeks ago…still homemade – better than nothing.

We would relax on the lounge, a lovely breeze coming in from the balcony. H-bomb would probably want to show you his new library books all about diggers/trucks/cars etc. or he might show you his collection of chalk. I would say something clichéd like “they grow up so quickly don’t they?” but it really does astound me that I have an almost 2 year old!
I’d set up a bowl of sultanas and blueberries for him and he would be occupied for a while.

I’d ask you what’s been happening in your world and listen while you offload about your week. I would tell you that it’s been a busy week for me and it’s nice to have a quiet Saturday. That I am a week away from a big race and my training has been less than ideal but I am looking forward to it. It will be a big challenge for me. I would tell you about my short bike ride this morning – my first in over a year. It was hard and my bottom is sore!

I would also tell you that I am pressing into God like never before. I am becoming more and more aware of how my thought life has such an impact on my life. I no longer want to live by how I feel, being dictated to by whatever circumstances I find myself in. I would share with you that I am clinging to a few verses from Phillipians four that talk about our thought life. Too many times my thoughts do not fall into any of these areas and I can see how damaging they can be.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”

Miss R would call out (i.e. start screaming) from her room and I’d invite you to come down and check out her bedroom. I am secretly (or maybe not so secretly) proud of her room. It is definitely my favourite room in the house and I would want to show you my sewing effort. You would follow me in and marvel at the lovely thrifted finds which have found a home in her room.

I would feed her as we continued to chat. Time would rush by without us knowing. The tea long gone, yet the conversation continued. We would get out our phones and check the calendars. Often an effort to get organised but always so glad we did.

Joining in with the lovely Em at Teacups Too (do check out this lovely lady’s blog, it was one of the first I read and inspired me to just do it) x


  1. your blog is so inspiring Taleah. x

  2. Yay! You joined us for a tea!
    I would definitely not say a word about your messy kitchen, and inside I'd breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that I don't have to have it all together either!
    I've been very aware of my thought life too, as one of my resolutions this year. I am finding myself changing attitudes, and shaking off feelings I know I shouldn't have, as I cling to Him, and actually finding it making a difference!
    Loved having tea with you beautiful lady, look forward to next time already! xxx

  3. That was lovely! Don't worry i probably wouldn't notice the messy kitchen - i think it's the immaculate ones that actually shock me! And i would love to peek inside your daughter's room, sounds very pretty :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You're SO CREATIVE Taleah. Adore your blog. xxx

  6. I so want to come and have tea with you just as you are. Absolutely beautiful. xxx

  7. Love this one Taleah makes me miss you but also makes our worlds feeling so much knowing we just had tea. Hope to again someday in real life, glad life is good. God bless you this week and in the following months.
