Thursday 28 February 2013


The day was perfect. Cake with friends for breakfast at our local, Mudcat. Opening presents as a family before Dad went to work. Cars a plenty. New car mat. Lots of playtime with Mummy. Daddy home for a quick lunch. Family over after work. More presents & a special cake.
Perfect. Low key. Relaxed. 
Just the way it should be.

Thanks to our friends & family who helped us celebrate, your presents were thoughtful & generous. He is having a ball with them!

Thursday 21 February 2013

Happy Birthday Gorgeous Boy

Two years ago, at 3:45am, I held you for the first time. I clutched you to my chest as I cried tears of joy that you were here and you were mine. I loved you from the minute I lay eyes on you...but I love you even more now.

I know it's cliche but it really is true how quickly these last two years have flown past. You are a walking, talking, happy & thoughtful boy. We are so proud of you! 

Here are a few of my favourite things:

*I love that you will use anything as a phone (or bone as you like to call it) and have lengthy chats while absentmindedly looking out the window or flicking through a book.

*You absolutely love when Dad gets home from work. You will listen for the garage opening then run to the door saying 'dad' 'open door'!

*You attach 'mmwaah' to all your kisses and will request 'one more' in a fitful of giggles as you try to escape the juicy mummy kisses.

*Your favourite colour is purple.

*You love your little sister (Awowa or wor-wor as she is more affectionately known by you) and like giving her kisses. You are so helpful and will go and get mummy things when she needs them.

*You are starting to put little 2-3word sentences together, which completely blows my mind. I have spent my whole working life explaining to other parents about language development and now I am experiencing it first hand.

*You love reading your Bible every night before bed and holding hands with Mummy & Daddy as we pray. When asked what you would like to thank God for, you often mention friends and family but we also pray regularly for the car, pram and even butter and avacado.

*It can be hard to distinguish whether you want apple, bible or purple - they are pretty much the same word.

*By far, your favourite people in the world are your Nan & Pop. If you are not with them, you are talking about them, talking to them on your pretend phone or looking out for them in cars or buses that go past us. I hear you often say "that pop?,not pop."

*You love cars, buses, trains, boats, planes & helicopters. Cars are your favourite, especially your police car (peace car, as you say) and your Dad and I really love the red car song. (It just goes "red car, red car, red car", accompanied by a cute head wobble).

Gosh, we love you precious boy & praise God for you everyday. Happy 2nd Birthday!

Wednesday 20 February 2013


I can proudly say that I completed the Sprint distance triathlon down in Huskisson last weekend!

750m swim::20km ride::5km run

1hr 45min!

I can safely say it was one of the hardest things I have done.

But fun. So so fun. The atmosphere was amazing. The crowds were cheering & the sun was shining. Can't ask for more than that really.

I loved the swim, survived the bike and absolutely struggled through the run. The run is by far my weakest leg and obviously an area I need to work on if I am to complete the Gold Coast Half Marathon in July.

Special thanks to my lovely friend Cathie who generously loaned me a wetsuit & bike, to Simone at Summit Fitness Studios for hooking me up with a trisuit & to J who encouraged me to the start line & watched my babies so I could do it.

Support crew needs some energy!
Ready to go 
Into transition

Almost at the finish line
Completed! (yep support crew is eating again!)
The final leg of this triathlon!

Hmm, now to set my next fitness goal...

Thursday 14 February 2013

The best room in the house

This is, by far, my favourite room in the house.

Miss R's room was dreamt up in my mind while I was pregnant. I knew exactly what I wanted it to look like, the problem was I didn't know the gender.

I had an inkling she might be a girl but I was reluctant to start on these projects if she turned out to be a boy. So I held off. I painted the room (a shade lighter than H-bombs room) and a chest of draws and that was about it.

Sheer delight...She was a girl! I got started on her room with a new enthusiasm and she officially graduated into her own room at three and a half months. She moved out of her little bassinet in our room which was really lovely but it was equally nice to have our bedroom back!

I love the retro arm chair from Vinnies, the tissue paper pom poms (difficult to stop at four!) and the special photo wall, made with cards from friends or photos of Miss R's temporary home for 9mths and her birthday. 

I am particularly in love with the painted salvo's chest of drawers ($20!!) complete with vintage door knobs, which matches the old wood crate which houses some gorgeous crochet rugs that I just couldn't walk by at the local oppie.

Miss R has been gifted with some lovely handmade things including a beautiful crochet rug (thanks Aunt Judy), a beautiful owl quilt (thanks Mum) and her own special handmade doll (Thanks Shell). 

I found the perfect wall for the the Japanese prints that were a steal at $1. 
And of course, the bunting made by ME! I even had some leftover fabric to recover a lampshade. I just love that everything in this room is second hand or handmade! It's not everyone's cup of tea but it certainly puts a smile on my face. 

Here are some pics of her little sleeping space.