Thursday 27 September 2012


{38weeks + 2 days}

All is in readiness.

J is on school holidays so we have been enjoying some great family time. Going swimming, picnics at the beach & plenty of drawing, playdoh & bubbles.

Birth pool arrived. Had a practise pool pump up party. 
Timed it: 12mins. 
We all jumped in and mucked around.
Especially enjoyed H-bombs static hair.
Did a lot of errands over the weekend, getting everything that we need, think may come in handy & things we probably won’t need but I wanted anyway.

Chocolate covered frogs, microwave popcorn, retro tablecloth, the board game Cranium, a new skirt and 5 ice cube trays probably all fall into this category.

I don’t think I had the nesting bug quite so much when I was preggers with H-bomb. I start breaky every morning with the question “what would I like to get achieved today before this baby comes?”
I have ‘to do’ lists upon ‘to do’ lists & if by chance I do something not on the list it gets added on and crossed off. Yep, a typical overachiever!

Here’s some things I have achieved over the last week:
I should add the disclaimer that all things achieved were probably a joint effort. 
J has been very helpful in helping me get things off the list.
* Listed, sold & posted 12 things on Ebay, making myself an easy $80.
* Fully spring-cleaned the house including all those tasks you tend to put off. Mirrors cleaned, bed moved & vacuumed under, windowsills washed…that type of thing.
*Capsule fitted in the car.

But by far the most exciting thing I achieved this week are two jobs that I have been working on for many months. Not consistently though, just whenever I had 5 mins.

Finally finished the dining chairs & photo wall in the hallway.

J & I found these discarded cane chairs by the side of the road about a year ago. They looked sturdy enough they just didn’t have seats. They have waited patiently for me in the garage for too long. I have had the inspiration and knew exactly what I was going to do with them but just never got round to it.


But I work best on a deadline…and work I have been!

Painting every time H-bomb naps and staple gunning when he goes to bed.
They are complete and I’m really happy with them.


The photo wall was also completed this week. This was done with just a bunch of old wooden frames that I got for 20c/50c at the Salvos. I gave them a quick paint using all the sample pots of my favourite different blues. Ta-Da! It is similar to the one I have done in our lounge room.

Aaah, think I’ll go rest now…only a few things left on the list.


  1. I have just discovered your lovely blog. I really like your dining room and photo wall. I love a good makeover:)

    I'm guessing you have had your baby by now. I hope all is well and that you were able to have the experience that you wished for. xo

    1. Hi monkeemoomoo, thanks for your comment. I've just had a little look around your blog-so fantastic! I was so inspired by your recent post on vintage fabrics that I bundled up the kiddies today and walked 20mins (husband has car today) to our local op shop! Didn't find anything nearly as good as your stash but was still a nice time out.
      I have had our new little bubba and finally got around to blogging about it today, thanks for your well wishes.
      Look forward to reading more of your posts x

  2. OH my!!! I just painted a whole bunch of frames! (I see I'm going to need lots more now!) Because I had no idea how I'd hang them but I relaly love what you've done!! :) :)
