Tuesday 25 June 2013

Status Updates

Oaky doky, it seems I have fallen off my blogging bike. Can’t say it’s because of any fantastic exciting reason just the general fullness of daily life with two smalls I guess.

I’ve had a few posts floating around my head but getting pen to paper (so to speak) just doesn’t seem to eventuate.

So I was thinking about all the posts I could have/should have done but thought I’d give you a snapshot of the last couple of months since my last post. (Whoops, two months between posts is pathetic!)

I have a few pet hates. If you know me well then you would know that one of them is Facebook status updates. I am moving away from Facebook as a whole (probably because I’ve found instagram which I love a whole lot more) & I very rarely do a status update. I guess, because I have spent time thinking about my motivation behind writing them. I mean, what is the point?

Over time I have been guilty of posting updates that I think roughly fall into 2 categories.

* The ‘look at me’ post. Yep this is the glory post. The ‘I’ve just done something flippin amazing and I think the world needs to know’ post. Could also be somewhere you are going or doing that is pretty cool. Or a run down of all the things you have completed in a day.
You know the type… “Taleah…is packing for NYE in Prague” (yep these are real examples!) or “Taleah…is the proud owner of two black toenails & a marathon PB”

The ‘pity party’ post. The woe is me, life is very hard post. The goal: to make people feel sorry for you. “Taleah…is sooo sick”. Taleah...is at home with a very sick baby".

I have often found myself writing an update then asking myself why do I feel the need to write that? Most of the time it is for one of the above reasons. So now, in general, I don’t do them.

Except for now…here are three status updates that I would never write with an explanation that will get you mostly up to date on the last 2 months of my life.

“Hello 1950’s Housewife”
Yes, of late I have been returning to a much simpler way of life. I’ll probably do a post on a few of these later but I have attempted to make my own baby wipes, & washing powder, baked bread & made almond milk from scratch. I have shopped at the farmers markets & unplugged the microwave. It is liberating on so many levels.

“Gosh I love my physio”
Yep, I really do. I’d probably still go just for a chat even if I didn’t have an issue! You may remember that I had planned to do a half marathon in July, well there were a few things that made me change my mind about doing it. One of which was the continued hip pain that I had while pregnant. I decided to get this sorted and have not run in like, forever. The physio has finally given the go ahead to start some run/walking so I’m keen as to get back out there (as soon as this crazy weather subsides!)

Only took 8 months but I’ve finally had a full nights sleep!
That’s right, we are on day 24 of Rory sleeping through (not that I’m counting or anything).  I was a wreck. A walking, talking zombie. I tried everything too. Dream feed, no dream feed, more solids, different wraps, better days sleeps, no day sleeps, rocking to sleep, patting in the cot…you name it, I tried it.
So what was it? I hear you say. A desperate plea to the one who made her, who knows her even better than me. An “I can’t do this in my own strength anymore, you need to sort her out” kind of prayer. And he did. As soon as I stopped trying to fix it myself. And doesn’t it make a difference?! I’m a different woman, in fact, come to think of it, all the things I mentioned in status one have been done in the last 24 days! Prior to that I was lucky to get dressed!

So there you have it. Are you a fan of the status update? Clichéd or a way to debrief? What are your thoughts?

I’m going to go an update my status right now…to inform the world I have blogged! Go figure!


ps. here are a few of my favourite facebook ecards (http://www.someecards.com)