Wednesday 7 November 2012


Hello sweet baby girl…how I love precious days like today.
Your big brother is with his Nan and your Daddy is at work.
We have no plans, no interruptions.

Just you and me.

I love having the time to just sit and look at you, to photograph you, to breathe you in, to talk to you.

 I have spent time this morning praying for you. For the woman you will be, the friends you will have, your future. Praying that your daddy and I will be given wisdom to know how to bring you up, guide you and love you better.  Praying you will know what it is to walk in freedom. To live completely free in Christ.  To be secure in who you are and who He made you to be.

You have an amazing future ahead of you gorgeous girl. So glad God chose me to be your Mummy xx


  1. Oh, she's a real sweetie. Congratulations x

  2. How good it praying with/for your babies! :) We have prayed for Miss Daisy's future husband (God willing) since she was born and it is such a wonderful feeling to imagine that he is out there somewhere. She's just beautiful!
