Wednesday 11 June 2014

Get Your Run On

(image via pinterest)

Alright, so recently I wrote about my running journey; where I have come from & where I currently am. The things I have battled with as a complete non-runner. You can read about it hereAs I mentioned, I have a new found freedom in running when I want, for as long as I want without laying any guilt trips on myself. However, I’ve been feeling that it’s time to shake things up a bit.

I have entered a race. The Brisbane 10km run on the 3rd of August. This actually means I need to run more regularly, with (dare I say it)…a training plan.
I was encouraged recently by a friend to ‘put it out there’. Maybe blog about it even. She was actually interested in joining me. Could I create a little community of people who are all on a similar journey?
I am no expert. Not at all. But I do totally know what it’s like to be a non-runner & wish you were. I do know what it’s like when you first start out. Most of all I know how it feels to achieve something you didn’t think was possible.

How about you? Are you a complete non-runner? Do you want to give running a crack? Have you run 5km once, a long time ago & want to step things up a bit? See, I don’t think we have to have exactly the same goals or be at the same fitness level to encourage and hold each other accountable. Its especially vital at this time of year when it’s cold, and lets be honest, there are way too many reasons to ditch the exercise! Research shows that you are 90% more likely to work out if you are doing it with a friend*. We may not be running side by side or even in the same town but I reckon we can get the same benefits of a supportive environment. 

Interested yet?

Here are a few thoughts…

* Set a goal.
You will need an achievable, but still challenging goal. I have picked a 10km race but maybe yours is a 5km race. You can definitely choose to just allocate a distance, measure it out & run it on a set day but I personally don’t find it motivating enough. There is nothing like paying money to enter a race to help me to stick to a plan! This run calendar has a pretty comprehensive list of many different races & distances. 

* Find a plan.
For me I am writing one based on a few I have looked at online. Mine will be 8 weeks but you could easily do 12weeks. I like to print off a calendar, a month to a page and then look at when I could fit my runs in. Then I stick it on my fridge so I constantly see it. I can then cross it off as I go. I am going to roughly base mine on three runs a week. If you google ‘run training programs’ you can pretty much find one for every distance & every ability. You might find that some programs include some speed sessions or fartlek training (say what?) & those things are all helpful, but in the end, lets just keep it simple, just run, three times in a week. Find a plan that works for you & put it somewhere you can see it.

* Just do it
Um yeah, totally the hardest part. I could faff about with training programs & using different colours for different workouts until the cows come home. I tend to have an ‘all or nothing’ attitude which is totally not helpful. I have been known to miss a training session purely because I couldn’t make three sessions that week?!? Choose a time that works for you & schedule it in as an appointment.

So…who’s in?
Tell me your story, your goal & your timeframe.  I would love to know where you’re at & whether you’re interested in joining me. Comment here or find me on instagram. (old_new_and_blue), hashtag your km's and your journey and lets #getourrunon 

*I totally just made that up. But I truly think it's legit anyway.

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