Friday 11 April 2014

What's your motto?

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I work out a couple of times a week with a group called ‘Savvy Fitness’. Amongst many other things they are known as a crew who work out no matter what. No excuses. “We train when it rains” is the phrase that is associated with Savvy. It’s all over their website, their Facebook page & it’s something that the trainers often refer to.

I can tell you, they actually follow through. It’s not just a cute phrase.
I trained in the rain this week and it got me thinking.

We train when it rains. When adverse conditions come our way, we push on. When it is uncomfortable & others might choose to withdraw; we push through.

That’s essentially what this motto means & I have been mulling over it all week.

I would hope that this little phrase could apply to more than just my exercise regime. Could this, in fact, be a motto for my life?

Do I choose to look the other way when I see a need, because it might mean that I have to get my hands dirty? Do I let something that someone said or did, cause me to retreat or hold a grudge? When things don’t go quite how I thought they were going to go, does it side track me for longer than it should?

We train when it rains.  When conditions are not favourable I want to still go out.  I am pretty much assured that I will have trouble & trials in this life but I want to be one who perseveres*. One who keeps their eyes on the prize & pushes through**.

I won’t look the other way; I’ll get my hands dirty even if it means giving up time or resource. I will forgive quickly & move on. I will make peace with the fact that He is in control, not me & that means that when my plans don’t work out that He has something even better in store. I will get comfortable with being uncomfortable & rely on Him for my future & all that it holds.

I want to go there, no matter what….I want to train when it rains.***

How would you sum up your life’s motto? How would other people describe your motto on life?

*James 1
**Philippians 3:12-14

***and you know what…it actually turned out to be a lot of fun, sloshing about in the mud & puddles!

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