Tuesday 8 April 2014

Big School

Harper's first day at school

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree does it?

Wednesdays in our house mean preschool for Harper.
‘Big school’ as he calls it. It is a tough morning.

See my little man is battling a fear. The first of many I dare say. I see the signs so clearly. This week was worse than others. A denial that today was even Wednesday, tears as we packed his bag. He walked stoically beside me the two blocks to preschool but I knew there was turmoil inside his little mind. I knew, because I have been there too.

He screamed when I left and I cried my way home.

I feel like I have battled with fear my whole life. I remember as a child seeing a book on my parent’s shelf that was titled ‘Feel the fear & do it anyway’. I never read the book but it became like a mantra to me. Repeating it whenever I felt scared.

The problem is that mantra’s are empty. They have no power to change anything. It might make you feel better for a minute or so but there is no longevity in it’s cure

We are trying to teach Harper to ‘get his brave on’. A short, cute & easy to remember mantra for a three year old. We are, however, teaching Harper that only Jesus can make us brave; we can’t do it on our own.

As I stand on the promise of the peace that passes understanding* so I try to teach Harper that he has access to that peace also.

So darling boy, I do get it. I get you. I spend the morning praying for you. Praying that His peace will invade your body & mind & make you brave. Braver than you ever thought you could be. There will be countless things in this life that you will come up against that will attempt to take you out by paralysing you with fear. Just remember honey that He has not given us a spirit of fear & timidity but of power, love & self-discipline**

For now, I count the minutes til I can pick you up & tell you how proud I am of you. I think I might try to make some healthy chocolate ice cream for dessert. Just for you darling boy. Xx

*Philippians 4:6-7
** 2 Timothy 1:7


  1. Oh Taleah this is beautiful! Miss Daisy goes happily and excitedly to preschool every week so this isn't something we've had to deal with. But I've seen her fears in other areas and it definitely breaks your heart realising that they will have to claim Jesus' power over their lives for themselves to get through those trials.
    Hugs to you xx

  2. Oh yes- been here too. There are no words, just understanding! Soooo hard. I love that 'Feel the fear and do it anyway.' How good is that? I am going to tell it to my 9 year old- he's my anxious one. I see the signs of his anxiety every day, but am so thankful that these days it doesn't seem to stop him from throwing himself headfirst into all things life has to offer. Much love to you and little Harper.
